8 October 2020

Buyer specialists: Your secret weapon in the hunt for the home of your dreams 

It can be difficult buying in a busy market. Buyers can often get overlooked, even though they are the ones that need the most assistance! But there is a service dedicated to help those buying in the marketplace. 

Let us introduce you to the Buyer Specialist! 

What is a buyer specialist? 

A buyer specialist assists the buyer to find a property. Their role can range from researching, identifying and evaluating opportunities, to negotiating, supporting at auctions and overseeing settlement. 

As buyer specialists become more common, the challenge is picking the right one for you.   

Why use a buyer specialist? 

A buyer specialist saves you time, reduces frustration, and makes the buying process a lot easier by allowing you to work with one agent – someone who you can get to know and enjoy working with.  

We suggest engaging with someone with whom you feel comfortable enough to form a working relationship. Due to the nature of the of profession, your buyer specialist will already have strong relationships with other salespeople and will naturally build trust. Hamilton is a unique marketplace where companies work together, which means your Buyer Specialist is likely able to show you a number of listings from several different companies. So the buyer doesn’t need to make several appointments with several different salespeople.  

A good buyer specialist will know the market well and can potentially inform you of listings before they hit the market. They also help to streamline the viewing process – instead of you racing around to open homes all weekend, they often enable you to view multiple homes on your wish list, all over the city, in just a couple of hours. 

Provide a detailed brief  

A key first step is to agree on a communication process up front and bspecific on what you wantHaving a clear understanding of what you need your buyer specialist for is one way to make sure you get the most out of the relationship. 

Once the brief is provided, your buyer specialist will be able to research properties to find ones that are right for you. They can also view properties that meet your brief ensuring all the due diligence is completed. 

buyer specialist can also go to auction, negotiate the best deal for you, ensuring all checks have been carried out before going unconditional. They should also follow through post unconditional date. 

Tips for working with a buyer specialist 

As with all real estate professionals, make sure they are qualified and licensed to act.  

It is also a good idea to find a buyer specialist who is an expert in the local area – if you are unfamiliar with the area you want to purchase in, you will benefit more from an area-focused agent who can rely on their expertise and established business network. If they have good relationships with local real estate agents, they may be able to get the scoop on any unlisted properties yet to come onto the market  

In a crowded market, buyer specialist could be the difference between the home of your dreams and a prolonged search. 

Contact Lugtons to speak to a buyer specialist to help you find out about new listings and access them quickly. 

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